Year 6 - Juniper and Pine

Welcome back to Term 4!

In topic, we will be looking at rainforests around the world. We will be investigating their climate and identifying the animals that inhabit in them. We will look at the impact of humans on rainforest ecosystems and how we can prevent this. This will involve us looking at deforestation. We will create short films in Computing, encouraging people to reduce the amount of resources we take from the rainforest, therefore reducing the amount of deforestation that is happening.

In English this term we are reading the book The Vanishing Rainforest which is about the Yanomami tribe. We will re-write the book together, revisiting our previous work on descriptions, dialogue and clause structure. Based on the book, we will look at writing a balanced argument about deforestation.

This term in maths we will be continuing a work on decimals, by learning how to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. We will then deepen our understanding of percentages, by finding percentage of amounts. Finally, we will finish the term by looking at area and perimeter.

This term in science we are looking at adaptation. This will involve us looking at different habitats and how animals have adapted to survive these extreme conditions. As part of this the children will make up their own animal with specific adaptations. In addition, we will focus on how birds have had to adapted, investigating why bird’s beaks are different shapes according to the food they eat. We will then finish the topic by looking at how humans have adapted with a focus on eye and hair colour. We will link our Forest School work to our science this term too!

In PSHE we will be thinking about how we can keep ourselves healthy, both mentally and physically.

In French, we will be learning to talk about our families.

In RE we will build upon children’s prior knowledge of Christianity to further understand practices and celebrations.

This term we continue Forest School on Tuesdays. We will alternate between Purdown and the school orchard. In outdoor P.E on Thursday, we will be learning about hockey.

  • Please ensure that you have a reading book in school
  • Homework will continue to be the SATs revision books, to be returned in every Friday. Paper copies of other homework are also to be returned on a Friday.
  • Spellings will be sent home on Friday and tested the following Friday – please help your child to learn their spellings.
  • PE will be Forest School on Tuesdays and outdoor PE on Thursdays. Please ensure your child brings in appropriate clothing for this every Tuesday which includes a long sleeved top, long trousers (not jeans), suitable footwear and a coat.
  • Children can come into school in their P.E kit on Thursdays.

Miss. Coyle and Miss. Walker

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