Year 5 - Holly and Sycamore

Welcome to Term 2!

We have a busy term ahead of us, here is the key information. Please remember to check google classroom for the most up to date information.

Holly Timings: Children should be in class by 8:45am Pick up 3:15pm - We enter and leave class via the decking

Sycamore Timings: Children should be in class by 8:45am Pick up 3:15pm - We enter and leave class via the main playground.

This term we will be learning about: Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Spellings: Weekly spelling lists will come home every Friday and be on Google Classroom.

Our PE days are: Monday (Forest school)  and Friday (Dance)

Any other questions please feel free to ask.

Miss Key and Miss Young



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To read our school policies click here


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Tel 0117 377 2247
Glenfrome Primary School, Cottisford Road, Eastville Bristol, BS5 6TY

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